The children helped their mother take the pumpkins home to clean them up, to clean them out, and to create unique and lovely pumpkin faces that could be lit aglow with a candle from the kind farmer. The children loved all the pumpkin faces; some were serious, some were silly, some made you laugh, and some were very scary. What they loved the most is that when halloween came, each pumpkin was lit beautifully aglow with light from within and was set upon the front porch for the whole world to see.

May your unique and beautiful size, shape, design and personality always be found shining with His light. The Lord and Master of the great pumpkin patch, even the Bridegroom, will someday come again, and whoso is found shining brightly with His light and has helped others to do the same, will be invited to be with Him at the great wedding feast...
As you seek to improve your health, remember that you are part physical and part spiritual. To enjoy your greatest potential and capacity to contribute and to do good and to live and love life fully, enable yourself fully--both physically and spiritually.
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