Money is a medium of exchange used to buy goods and services in societies that have not yet evolved to a condition in which they live in harmony with the natural laws that govern the free flow of temporal needs. Societies of people who are pure in heart, perfect, and holy enjoy fellowship with people wherein "all" members of the society, direct their desires and motivations toward the happiness and welfare of one another rather than to self. In fact, there is no need to concern oneself with one's "personal" interest or desires in a society wherein everyone truly loves you as they love themselves. The love you give "freely" to others is multiplied back to you an hundred fold. It is impossible not to have your desires and needs fulfilled when everyone truly loves you as much as you love them. Each member in such societies express their love by using their sacred gifts to help meet one another's needs.
God's higher laws of love cannot be brought into operation by compulsion, such as occurs in socialistic and communistic societies. How then is one admitted into such a society or how does one become an heir to such a blessed state of existence? It is by overcoming the natural man that one possesses. The natural man forever seeks to make self happy and secure, without sufficient though or desire toward others. The natural man tramples upon many sacred and holy laws as it always places "self-interest" over the welfare of others. It never learns this one simple lesson, that "self-interest" is best and most naturally served as one discovers their greatest joy in using their unique gifts and talents to serve the interest, welfare, and happiness of others.
For example, in the true laws that govern temporal welfare it is not given that one man should ever possess that which is above another. The natural resources of the earth are here for all men and are a gift of the earth for man, but not to used by extortion or to excess. Each man is only to take from the earth sufficient for his needs. No man is to collect more than is sufficient and to usurp and then extort money from others so that they can then enjoy what is already a gift of mother earth to them. All men who do such things are filthy and evil. They are the pimps, prostitutes, whores, and false rulers of the earth.
Therefore, that which cometh of the earth is ordained for the use of man, for food, for raiment, for shelter, that all man might have in abundance and always sufficient for their needs. It is sinful and an abomination against all that is sacred and holy when one man seeks to place himself between the gifts of the earth and those to whom the gifts rightfully belong. All such greedy and evil men will be cast down to hell as abominations to all that is sacred and holy, for it is an abomination to desire more than is sufficient for one's own needs, unless the desire to possess more is strictly motivated out of a desire to take all excess and distribute it to the poor, the widow, the fatherless, and the needy. There is no place or admittance into the heavenly family or society for those who do not overcome the natural man that seeks his own welfare above others, or to those who "trust" in accumulating riches more than they trust in the higher laws of love.
How does one put off the natural man to become worthy to overcome a society that employs only "me-centered economics" wherein everyone tends to grub away their lives in the continual pursuit of "self-interest?" And how is that same person made worthy to become an heir of a society that lives in complete harmony with the natural laws of abundance?
All men once enjoyed life in a heavenly society, but they lived in innocence for they knew no evil. They did not know of men who are abominations to all that is good and right and holy. Therefore, in order for innocent members of a holy society to know the difference between these two opposites, it was necessary that they leave their heavenly home to learn for themselves the difference between that which is good, sacred, and holy, and that which is evil, corrupt, and abominable. They would go to earth where they would have the choice to learn to live according to the "higher laws" of heaven or where they could also choose to live according to the laws of unrighteousness and misery. For the one, they would learn by faith, how to become sanctified and holy, or in other words, filled with pure love, virtue, and a fullness of knowledge. And through the operation of that love, virtue, and pure knowledge, they would obtain an "unchanging scepter of righteousness," just as the scepter of righteousness which their Heavenly Father possesses and which governs his characteristics, attributes, and perfections. Once a person obtains this scepter, they then are qualified to receive a dominion that flows to them forever and ever without compulsory means. Through perfect love, unceasing virtue, and the receipt of God's pure knowledge (pure doctrines of the priesthood) such a person qualifies as an heir to the heavenly family.
The opposition to all that is sacred, pure, and holy encountered by innocents spirits who come to this earth is for a singular purpose. For ever perfect truth, there is its corrupted and abominable opposite. In order to obtain an unchanging scepter of righteousness, one must not only become filled with perfect love and virtue, but must also possess a fullness of knowledge. Without the knowledge of how hell operates, or in other words a perfect knowledge of the laws which oppose truth, one is not prepared sufficiently to become a permanent member of a heavenly society. We must come to understand every truth, as well as its opposite, if we will be enabled to walk the razor's edge of truth and righteousness for eternity, or in other words, if we will possess an unchanging scepter of righteousness.
There is only one who can redeem us from the fallen state in which we now exist and who is capable of enabling us with all the love, virtue, and knowledge which we must ultimately possess in order that we may become redeemed from our fallen state. His name is Jesus Christ. His light exists in the hearts of all men when they are born into existence upon this earth. As a man walks in truth according to that light, the light grows brighter and brighter, until at last that man possesses sufficient love, virtue, and knowledge that he meets the Christ whilst still in the flesh and sees his face and knows that he is.
Christ is the author of such a persons faith by supplying him with the initial light, and Christ authors greater and greater faith within that person as he comes to fully place his faith and trust in Christ. After a person obtains sufficient light to enter Christ's presence, then Christ commences a finishing process where he further enables this person until he becomes sanctified, holy, and washed clean of all the sins and corruption of this world. After a process of time, Christ then introduces such a person directly to the Father of all spirits and that person is chosen and accepted into the Eternal Family of God. This entire process is to occur during a person's lifetime upon this earth, and has been called the "Path of Redemption" by every saint in every dispensation who has successfully walked this path.
We come to this earth where we are subjected to people who live both the higher laws that govern a heavenly society and to people who do not place their "trust" in these higher laws, but cling to false and foolish traditions and precepts of man. We ourselves are subjected to concerns for our personal welfare and happiness, causing us to have to choose between "trusting" in the laws of hell, or the laws of heaven. Hell promotes fear in man, causing us to worry about what will become of us if we do not have money. Heaven promotes a trust in the laws which govern that natural flow of temporal blessings. Heaven provides a perfect example -- even Jesus Christ -- who issues an invitation to each of us.
His invitation is this: Come Follow Me! He is our perfect example; he is our perfect mentor, master, and guide. He has mastered the laws of pure love and virtue and has obtained the pure knowledge required to lay hold upon his unchanging scepter of righteousness. His dominion is already flowing to him forever and ever without compulsory means. If we will but forsake all sin, come unto him with a pure and real desire to be led by him, and we call upon him to receive the guidance we need to day, and if we keep his commandments and obey his voice each and every day, then we shall put off the natural man one day at a time and we will become perfected in Him -- attribute for divine attribute.
When we have proven sufficiently that we will not depart from this path, he will accept us into his presence and will succor and comfort us personally as we become fully clean without spot and are prepared by him to meet the Father. He then introduces us to the Father and our faith in God passes to a sure knowledge as we behold his face and know that he is. We are then chosen and anointed as heirs to his Eternal Heavenly Family, wherein we will enjoy a perfect and holy society forever.
If our life's mission is not complete, after meeting the Father we will then be given a mission to fulfill to help others on earth become redeemed and also chosen as members of the heavenly society. It is the right of every child of God to come to know and live according the each and every law that governs heaven as they live upon this earth. It is the right for them to also exist as pure and holy societies. Becoming chosen to live in such a society is a "self-selection" process wherein each person can receive all the light, knowledge, and truth they need, in order to live by these higher laws, just as fast as they are willing to receive that light. To the extent any man resists the enticings of the Holy Spirit to embrace this light fully, they are not forced to do so, nor do they enjoy the attendant blessings that are achieved only through laying hold upon pure love, virtue, and perfect knowledge.
Members of lower societies that exist upon this earth, extort from the earth and usurp or take that which is not theirs. They do not share of the earth's bounty "freely" as the natural laws of abundance demand. Rather, they are filled with greed and lust, and they trust in storing up riches rather than abiding by the perfect laws that govern their own infinite security, welfare, and happiness. Money is a non-essential in societies of sanctified and holy people because all members of higher societies spend their labor only to serve the happiness of the society. They consecrate all that they have and are to serving the happiness of one another. They never consider the lower laws of "fair exchange" of energy, because energy flows freely and infinitely to all who live by higher laws, thus they give their all to others always by their very nature. They never worry about laying up in store for tomorrow, but like the ancient children of Israel who received manna daily for 40 years, they too always receive sufficient for their needs.
Hey, where's your article on Prayer???????