Friday, December 3, 2010


The Lord speaking to our day said that His entire vineyard has become corrupt and that even the very elect do err because of priestcrafts. What is priestcraft that causes even the very elect to err? How does it gain influence? How far do the tentacles of priestcraft reach, and how do they affect the current thoughts and beliefs? What can we do about known priestcrafts that have gained power over our lives and how can we shield ourselves effectively from the errors that creep slowly but surely into our counsels and decisions? Some would argue that such a negative topic isn't worthy of discussion; yet, when the Lord warns us of the very source of corruption that reaches "all" of us, we are wise to pause and learn.

Priestcraft is defined as "Setting oneself up (or setting up an entity) as a light unto the world, for the purpose of getting monetary gain." In other words, a person or entity sets themselves up to be recognized as the authority on a particular subject(s). They do not recognize God as the true authority on the subject, nor do they point others to God as being above all, omniscient, and the true master of the subject, one who does not and cannot lie and who does not make mistakes or vary in His thoughts and counsels regarding a particular subject. Rather than successfully pointing people to the true source of all light and truth, those who practice priestcraft set themselves up as an "Authoritative Light" for the purpose of getting monetary gain. They do not recognize God's authority but rather they jealously guard their "authoritative money-making status."

When a nation becomes full of priestcraft, as our nation is today, truth's influence on any subject becomes corrupted and weakened. Why? Because if truth is not convenient, or if it is not expedient, or in unprofitable, then liberating truth is sacrificed for high-level, profit-making schemes. Just as Babylon anciently rewrote scripture and history falsely in a manner that even now influences our thoughts, politics, and economy, so today's priestcrafts also corrupt our society within the realm they operate, and the Lord's vineyard is also affected and even corrupted to a degree.

To step out of the forrest to see us for what we have become is to recognize a nation who has too often forgotten God for profit. If we as a people will choose to be God's people and to live God's laws we have the resources to be the freest and happiest people on the face of the earth and a nation that could bless the entire earth. Only few societies have ever achieved this utopia and each has had to first overcome priestcrafts.

As they have done so, one of the first things they overcome is the need for money. Rather, they receive and give God's gifts freely, as an entire society, each lending their own gifts and talents to make a more beautiful and happy community. This is the life God intends and purposes for man and is the life that will be enjoyed by those who honor Him and who patiently call upon the Lord and recognize His hand in all things.

Consider Some Common Examples of Priestcrafts
My father was an incredible physician; he used the best knowledge he had; he studied daily to add to that knowledge, and often while working with a patient, he would excuse himself to his office to supplicate the Lord in behalf of his patient. He did not consider himself or the profession in which he worked as the supreme authority in health matters. He was merely a public servant doing his level best to help others. To best serve the public, he stayed current with science, he used good deductive reasoning, and he recognized his limitations and his need for divine help. Many physicians I have had the privilege to know are similar in this regard. Yet, most would agree that their freedom to make sound decisions is often limited by the dictates of the AMA.

The AMA, who granted my father and other physicians legal status to practice medicine, has set itself up as the authoritative light in all health matters. They jealously guard their "legal status" as the "authoritative light" and do not teach physicians how to successfully turn their patients to God in matters of health. Rather, as the medical institution progresses in its abilities to offer profitable solutions, they often overlook and even dismiss the simplest and purest solutions. Unfortunately, even though this truth is well-documented, profitable solutions continue to be peddled over God's simpler and freer solutions.

In any emergency room today, you will note computers and medical software that dictate the protocols that may be used for any given symptom. When I contemplated pursing medicine, my father warned that the utopia he enjoyed as a physician no longer exists. Dad was able to deliver babies, perform myriad surgeries, set bones, reattach severed body parts, and essentially use his divine gives to help mend bodies. Now even physicians are limited to very narrow focuses and are not allowed the freedoms my father once enjoyed.

Once a saddle-bronc rider was carted into my dad's clinic. His pelvis was split in two from having landed on the saddle horn while breaking a horse. No protocols existed for such and injury and Dad retired to his office in prayer to discuss the matter with God. He then called the local beam plant and asked for a very large C-clamp. With the C-clamp he pushed the pelvis back together. After an x-ray and a few more adjustments and another x-ray, the bones proved to be in place so that optimum healing could take place. Dad then casted the entire pelvis area including the C-Clamp. Six weeks later the cowboy was as good as new. Those were the days when docs could turn to God instead of the AMA.

This is merely an example of how priestcrafts not only set themselves up to get gain, but conspire in ways until it becomes impossible for an individual to follow God's counsels over the dictates of those who have assumed authority. The problem is that priestcrafts are so rampant, we don't even recognize them for what they are anymore; rather, we just think it is the way it is and must be, which of course is hogwash. The further we have driven God out of our conversations, the more priestcraft has taken over in nearly every area of our lives. In nearly every instance, legislation protects the economic viability of those practicing priestcrafts, rather than protect your freedom and rights as an individual.

Waste management, energy management, pest management, and nearly every aspect of our lives has been corrupted through priestcrafts, by those who seek to get gain and power over others. From Food Safty Acts that strip your rights to purchase the heirloom quality seeds you want in order to grow the foods you desire, to every facet of freedom, priestcrafts are enjoying an unprecedented heyday. Today, all an entity must do to become enriched is lobby and pay legislators to grant and legalize "authoritative" status. We've become so conditioned to this reality that most can no longer even see this has happened to us and so we accept it as normal and okay. We used to be one nation under God; today we are one nation under the AMA, or one nation under Monsanto, or one nation under the food industry, the dairy industry, and so forth, each who is protected through legislation to force us to do things their way.

True Americans vs. Those Who Practice Priestcrafts
Anyone who teaches truth and points others to God as the supreme authority and master of that truth, while at the same time doing their level best for the student, is a good and correct teacher. While teaching their level best, any rationale teacher will recognize their utter foolishness compared to God and the need for God's perfecting knowledge and influence on a subject. That's what makes great doctors such as my father and great teachers who are not controlled by the state, the feds, the unions, and so forth. This article veers a little toward politics, yet priestcraft is the art of wielding politics for personal gain.

This nation has been lifted up above all nations on earth; yet, if we do not root out and overcome priestcraft we will surely fall. As prophesied by the ancients concerning our day.


It is difficult to put our lives into context amid the errors that influence all of us and the way we think. As Babylon wrongly influenced the entire world, our present history in which we now live dominates our thoughts, perceptions, interpretations of the Lord's word, and our daily decisions. It is almost impossible to disconnect from these immediate influences in order to become self-correcting and to overcome error, even for humble seekers of Christ.

We are born into the current flow that molds and shapes us. It is rare when any person awakens and acts independent of the contemporary "current and flow." Yet, there has never been a Saint in any dispensation who has been redeemed and seen God's face, without having first recognized and made independent decisions that removed him or her from the "popular flow" in order to flow perfectly with God rather than man. Christ Himself recognized that the authorized and rightly ordained "Priestly Class" of his day had parted from pure doctrine and saving truths.

As the ancient "priestly class" we too often succumb to preaching vain, false, and foolish social doctrines and hold them up to be God's pure saving doctrines when they have no such power, regardless of popularity. We must wake up to our present history and to the "current and flow" that shapes us today. And, as we awaken, we may find we are often at direct odds with the prevailing culture and even the hierarchy of our day. Be warned that anyone who so awakens can look to the Savior for an example of the path he or she must follow. As occurred to Jesus, we too may discover there is little tolerance for anyone whose views differ from today's "accepted views." What then can we do if we desire to help preserve our nation?

Become aware of priestcraft and how it affects your every thoughts. Do you think of Zion; do you seek to build Zion; can you even conceive of a society that uses no monetary exchange, or does such a concept seem utterly unrealistic to you? You were born in a time when no one you know has ever lived in or even properly conceived what Zion truly is. To conceive it, we must first become perfect, which we cannot do until we awaken to priestcrafts and then reject and shun them from our lives. As other saints of all ages, we too must separate ourselves from that which corrupts and influences improperly.

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