The kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed; which when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: and yet it grows, and waxes into a great tree; that fowls of the air lodge in the branches of it. If ye have the faith of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain; remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; or unto this sycamine tree, be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it should obey you; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. (Matt 13:31, 17:20, Mark 4:31, Luke 13:19 and 17:6)
Imagine that nothing is impossible to you. You can heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, give sight to the blind, succeed in business, family, love, and so forth. Now let's discuss the faith of a mustard seed and seek to understand more fully what it means to have the kind of faith where truly, nothing (that God asks of us) is impossible to us.
Now imagine for a moment that you are an intelligence who is assigned by God to a mustard seed. It is your job to grow from a mustard seed into a mustard tree. You look over the pattern for growth given within the DNA of the seed and say, "You expect me to grow from that tiny little seed into that great big thing? God says to you, "If you act faithfully according to the pattern I have established in the DNA, it shall come to pass, bit by bit, and you will progress eternally through your obedience.
Well, you think to yourself, "God cannot lie; you know also that he has the power to keep his promises and that He is good, merciful, kind, and just and that he has been from everlasting and will so be to everlasting without variableness or changing. You also know that God is omniscient and cannot make a mistake in the pattern for growth that he has provided for you within the DNA. His designs and creations are perfect. You determine to use your agency to act voluntarily and to accept your assignment to be the intelligence that is assigned to the organized matter that is known as a mustard seed. You are assured eternal progression by accepting this assignment. You know that because of God's perfect love for you, he exercises perfect judgment over you and your welfare and has not and will not ever ask anything of you that isn't for your eternal best interest.
After assuring yourself regarding the characteristics, attributes, and perfections of God you determine to exercise faith in God's commandment to multiply within the element you are assigned (the mustard seed) and you begin to act upon the organized matter within the seed, according to the pattern set forth by God within the DNA of the seed. Hence you begin to divide and multiply the seed until bit-by-bit it grows into a great tree and fowls of the air lodge in your branches singing their songs of joy, building nests, and raising their families. As you grow into a tree, certain real needs must be met in order for you to continue to multiply and grow. You have faith that God will provide the sunshine, the earth, and the water to enable you to do your task, and He does and you do. Through your experience growing from a seed into a mustard seed, you grow further in light and truth and you progress eternally according to God's perfect and loving plan for you.
We learn that the faith of a mustard seed is based upon a belief in God's characteristics, attributes, and perfections (see Faith). God doesn't lie, doesn't ask us to do something we should not do; all he asks of us is designed for our best growth, or eternal progress. We therefore can do as His Spirit commands us--with nothing doubting. We can press forward in faith with the assurance that God is mightier than all the earth and that we need only to put out best foot forward, one in front of the other--whether we are commanded to heal the sick, move a mountain, raise the dead, magnify a stewardship, visit a neighbor to extend kindness, or even to converse with the Lord through the veil. And we know that with anything He asks of us, we have a right to come to know what the pattern is that we must follow in order to accomplish the thing He asks of us. As we move forward in faith, He reveals the sacred and divine pattern of operation that makes impossible things possible.
With the faith of a mustard seed we trust implicitly in God and act according to the pattern and commandments He gives unto us through His Spirit and through his authorized servants. We know also that just as the lilies of the field toil not and spin not, our lives will be adorned beautifully as we follow God's Spirit in perfect obedience to fulfill the measure of our creation.
Just as the mustard seed's true needs are supplied by God, if we lack not faith, everything we need to complete our missions on this earth will be provided to us as we need it and as we act in faith according to divine patterns. Therefore, we are to take no thought for tomorrow, but are to act in accordance with God's commands today. We must discover the pattern by which we are to act and then act with complete certitude and assurance that our growth will be exactly according to God's perfect designs for us.
The faith of a mustard seed is perfect faith in God in every aspect of our lives. As we act in accordance with God's will and established patterns for us, we can ask and we will receive, and knock and it will be open to us. We can go forward with perfect faith knowing that God in whom we trust is mightier than all the earth and will support us faithfully.
I love this post. It really makes sense in my mind. I love the analogy used of faith and a mustard seed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and faith; it's helped me to gain a new perspective about challenging circumstances that require such faith, diligence, and effort. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bethany. This understanding came after asking the Father to help me understand the faith of a mustard seed, wherein nothing is impossible to us. As I pondered this for two weeks, I was given various talks to read, one from a son, another from here, and so forth (five or six articles in all). Then, while sitting in priesthood meeting two weeks later, the scripture about the mustard seed was read and this understanding came into my mind suddenly, like a tapestry that had been woven from the thoughts I had been pondering regarding the various articles I had read. I'm glad that it has been useful to you.